Morin’s Fisheries Aurora Fish.
Proudly made in Yellowknife, enjoyed across Canada.

About Us
Morin’s Fisheries is an Indigenous-owned commercial fishery based in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories that produces some of Canada’s finest fish products. Our fish is harvested in the pristine waters of Great Slave Lake and is processed entirely by hand with delicate manual interventions and industry-leading quality assurance protocols that guarantee a superior product.

Our Aurora Fish
We harvest Whitefish, Lake Trout, Inconnu, Pickerel, Pike and Longnose Sucker.
By purchasing our products, you can be assured that you are consuming low-carbon footprint fish from ultra-clean waters and healthy fish stocks that are not subject to overfishing.

We believe in a world where natural resources are not only sustainably harvested in accordance with Indigenous Traditional Knowledge principles centered on utmost respect for local ecosystems but also processed by a proud and diverse workforce that is treated with respect every step of the way. In this world we believe in, Indigenous businesses thrive and are recognized as societal agents of change that meaningfully contribute to local economies and regional economic diversification.

Goal #14
Conserve and sustainable use marine resources for sustainable development

Goal #8
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all

Goal #12
Responsible consumption and production
Find a Retailer
Currently our fish can be purchased at our sister company Aurora Village.
Become a Retailer
If you are interested in becoming a retailer, please send us a message.